IT and ITES sector mainly focusses on generation, management, storage, and exchange of information, and introduction of new technology-based services to positively impact businesses.

IT and ITES sector treasure a huge set of confidential information and data, which needs to be protected from public. To avoid leakage of information, frauds, data theft, IP threat, embezzlements etc., risk consulting becomes supremely important. We can help in scanning the environment and the potential risks, protection from frauds, misconduct, and non-compliance.

IT and ITES sector are human resource intensive, and each relevant person beholds the capability of misusing the information, thus having people go through background verification checks becomes important, here we can come to the rescue by providing Background Screening Services relevant to the sector.
Vendor/ Supplier Due Diligence, Managing risks around senior level Hire & Exit, Investigative services, Policy Compliance Audits & Assessments, Risk Assessment, Vulnerability Management, Penetration Tests, Incident Management, Brand & IP Protection, and Contract Compliance Services etc. are some of the other solutions we can help with.

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