Risk Proofing
Your Environment


Human Resources Services

Enabling clients with solutions to mitigate People Risks and make powerful decisions

People risk is a complex amalgamation of corporate governance, human resources, operational risks, and behavioural issues. Even in the most secure environment, and within well-defined policies & procedures, people within and outside can deviate from the expected behaviour or refrain from following the code of conduct within a given framework. This can have a devastating impact on the business and goodwill of the company.
Innumerable cases of insider threats, employee misconduct, frauds, breaches and involuntarily release of company information have proven the growing risk it has become.

Sage Presage approaches HR services with a difference, we are guided by our unique Risk Management approach in solving traditional HR problems. We serve a whole suite of Human Resource solutions including Background verifications, Manpower and staffing with value addition, Trainings and Workshops to suit your unique requirements by understating your culture and operations, Audits and Assessments to manage compliance and mitigate exposure to risks.

Our solutions are based on practical problem-solving, tested and proven examples, deeper insights, use of technology, and hybrid models to ensure implementing a people risk mitigation framework in your company.

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workplace sexual harassment victims don’t report.

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of companies don’t have dedicated HR resources for audits.

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invested into wellness intervention programs for high-risk employees yields a 5x result.


We Are Here to Assist You!

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